Manage Director/Artist
多媒体艺术家、制作人、TT SCOUTS LAB 联合创始人,家庭项目式学习(FPBL)的探索者、实践者、美国罗德岛设计学院硕士(荣誉)、中央美术学院本科、中央美术学院附中、四分律(北京&香港)有限公司总经理、中国舞台美术学会专业人才培训高级讲师;北京市特聘专家、北京海外人才聚集工程(简称海聚)、北京海外高层次人才、朝阳区创意文化产业精英榜新锐人物、朝阳优秀青年人才、凤凰人才、2013年获选香港优秀人才入境计划、2019年参加耶鲁女性领导力项目、同年6月正式入读长江商学院。
1999-2003年中央美术学院附中,2003-2007年中央美术学院数字媒体专业学士,毕业作品获学院最佳创意奖;2007年获得加拿大艾米利卡尔设计大学研究生院奖学金(Emily Carr University),赴加拿大学习新媒体数字艺术理论,2008-2010年美国罗得岛设计学院数字媒体专业硕士(Rhode Island School of Design),同时在布朗大学(Brown University)学习交叉学科的课程,研究新媒体艺术和技术在数字新领域的实践,研究计算机编程、人工智能、互动传感器等科技手段应用在新媒体数字艺术领域上的无限可能性。其在校期间获得多项荣誉及艺术基金,主要有中央美术学院设计学院创新奖、艾米利卡尔艺术设计大学(ECU)研究生院入学奖学金(Entrance scholarship)、罗德岛设计学院数字媒体专业奖学金(Fellowship)及院长基金奖(RISD Grants-该奖项为有突出才能的优秀毕业生而设) ,其毕业论文“Progression”永久收藏于该校图书馆,并以荣誉学生毕业(Honor Graduate Student)、同年获得纽约艺术机构颁发的年度创意发散Creative Divergents金奖;2011-2016年在中央美术学院课题组任《公共空间新媒体艺术表演》主讲教师,其辅导的课题被中央美术学院评选为2013年度优秀课程。
以艺术家身份,广泛参与剧场多媒体设计及国际上重要艺术节及展览;担任原创舞剧《杜甫》、《我的乌兰牧骑》、《十方》、话剧《样式雷》、《去向何处》、《六个寻找剧作家的剧中人》、京剧《天下归心》、豫剧《愚公》、儿童剧《渔夫与金鱼》、《我的麦哲伦海峡》、歌剧《图兰朵》、《娜拉》、《方志敏》、音乐会《印象国乐》、《列兵》、《抗战》、舞台秀《太极图》多媒体设计;与艺术家丰江舟共同创作的原创多媒体剧作品《假象》系列、《后宫》、《微链接》、《魔法之城》、《倒着走的女人》、《寻找勇气》、《热醒》、《雪中睡美人》、《冰冻之歌》、《封存的皮影宝盒》先后应邀参加:2017英国爱丁堡艺术节、2015丹麦大都会艺术节Danish Metropolis Festival、2015乌镇戏剧节、2013法国阿维尼翁戏剧节France Avignon Theater Festival 、2012德国卡塞尔中国公共艺术展Kassel China Public Art Exhibition、2012柏林国际设计节Berlin International Design Festival、2012柏林戏剧节Berlin Drama Festival、2011意大利米兰 Triennale Design Museum中国新设计大展、2011法国阿维尼翁戏剧节France Avignon Theater Festival; 其个人装置作品受邀参加: 美国pixilerations新媒体艺术节、 台湾《童瞳:拥有过去的未来》、加拿大Interior Design Show WEST等。
1982 生于中国吉林,成长于北京
2007 留学加拿大温哥华
2008-2010 留学美国罗德岛
2013-2019 移居香港
2019-至今 频繁穿梭于北京香港两地
2019.5 耶鲁女性领导力项目,耶鲁北京中心
2019.6 Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing,Dr. Alan E. Kazdin,Department of Psychology,Yale University, Coursera
2019.6 Education Outcome in the US,耶鲁北京中心
2019.8 《中世纪与全球食物贸易的历史》耶鲁大学历史学终身教授Chester D.Tripp,耶鲁北京中心
2019-2020 长江商学院文创+,第四期
2015 《寻找勇气》(中国版)
2015 《寻找勇气》(丹麦版)
2015 《热醒》
2014 《倒着走的女人》(北京芥子园)
2013 《魔法之城》
2012 《微连接》
2010 《假象》系列
《LOOKING FOR COURAGE》(2015,环境戏剧,丹麦大都会艺术节,哥本哈根)
《假象》(2013法国阿维尼翁AVAIGION戏剧节、2012德国柏林戏剧节、2012德国柏林国际艺术节CHINA NEW DESIGN、2012法国阿维尼翁AVAIGION戏剧节、北京国际青年戏剧节、中国独立影像年度展(CIFF)、中国时尚大典)
《墨卦》 (2011意大利米兰Triennale Design Museum、尤伦斯当代艺术中心)
《西游记》(2017, 导演贾娟,澳门金沙剧场,华严艺术团)
《母亲》(2015, 导演张曼君,舞美设计修岩,灯光设计邢辛,中国评剧院)
《花开中国》(2014, 导演肖向荣,舞台剧,中国文化部制作)
《天下归心》(2013, 导演张艺谋,编剧蔡赴朝,新编历史京剧,国家大剧院制作)
《印象国乐》(2013, 导演王潮歌,中央民族乐团制作,国家大剧院)
《列兵》(2013, 导演胡宗琪,作曲张千一,情景交响合唱音乐会, 总政歌舞团制作,中国剧院)
《六个寻找剧作家的剧中人》(2013, 导演弗拉基米尔彼得罗夫(俄),编剧皮兰德娄(意),北京人民艺术剧院制作)
《图兰朵》(2012, 导演张艺谋,大型景观歌剧,歌华集团制作)
《十方》(2010, 导演金星,编剧许斐,舞剧,尼泊尔)
《LOOKING FOR COURAGE》(2015,环境戏剧,丹麦大都会艺术节,哥本哈根)
《倒着走的女人》(2014, 环境歌剧,芥子园书院,北京)
《魔法之城》(2013, 多媒体魔法剧,嘉亭荟城市生活广场,上海)
《后宫》(2013, 多媒体剧“无差别”群展,荔空间,北京)
《微链接》(2013, 多媒体剧,卡塞尔中国公共艺术展,卡塞尔,德国)
《后宫》(2013, 多媒体剧, 柏林国际设计节中国新设计系列展,德国)
《微链接》(2013, 多媒体剧, 尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京)
《后宫》(2011, “天鹤奖”新媒体单元特别展示作品,北京—成都)
《后宫》(2011, 中国独立影像年度展(CIFF),南京)
《后宫》(2011, 多媒体剧,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京)
《假象》(2011, 北京国际青年戏剧节,北京)
《墨卦》(2011, 多媒体表演,米兰馆Triennale Design Museum,意大利)
《假象》(2011, 多媒体剧,法国阿维尼翁戏剧节,法国)
《“琳-新媒体艺术作品”研究生院优秀艺术作品展》(2010, Chance Center, 罗得岛,美国)
《Endless》(2010, 艺术硕士毕业展,罗得岛Convention Center, 美国)
《假象系列三》(2010,多媒体剧, 尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京)
《童瞳:拥有过去的未来》(2010, 策展人冯博一,台湾两岸艺术交流计划)
《黑绵羊新媒体艺术展》(2010, 罗得岛,美国)
《新媒体艺术展》 (2010, 纽约,美国)
《Endless》( 2010, Sol Koffler Gallery,DM Show, 罗得岛艺术学院,美国)
《Endless》(2010, Chace Center, 罗得岛艺术学院,美国)
《Across the Mountains》(2009, Graduate Open Studio, Fall 2009, 罗得岛艺术学院,美国)
《Across the Mountains》(2009, 互动装置, Pixilerations- New Media Festival", 罗得岛,美国)
《浮城游生》(2009, 杭州美术馆开幕式,数字舞台表演, 杭州,中国)
《假象》(2009, 多媒体剧, 星光剧院, 北京,中国)
《Shan Xuan Shui Cang》(2009, Sol Koffler Gallery, 罗得岛艺术学院,美国)
《Xuan Xiang Yi Qi》(2009, Graduate Open Studio, Spring 2009, 罗得岛艺术学院,美国)
《假象系列一二》(2009, 多媒体剧,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京)
《Xu Kong Zha Yan》(2008, Sol Koffler Gallery, 罗得岛艺术学院,美国)
《Xu Kong Zha Yan》2008, Graduate Open Studio, 罗得岛艺术学院,美国
《Reading-Mistake》(2008, MAA 项目展览开放日 温哥华,加拿大)
《Animations》(2008, nterior Design Show WEST, 加拿大广场(Canada Place), 温哥华,加拿大)
《Animations》(2008, 电影艺术节, Granville Island, 温哥华,加拿大)
2016 北京市凤凰计划专家评委
2016 北京市人才引进评委
2015 北京市海聚工程评审委员会文创类评委
2014 北京市朝阳区优秀青年人才
2013 入选香港优秀人才计划
2012 入选北京市海外人才聚集工程
2012 北京市朝阳区凤凰计划海外高层次人才
2012 北京市朝阳区第三届文化创意产业精英榜新锐人物奖
2012 纽约Creative Divergents艺术节 评委
2011 北京市海外学人中心第五批开办企业资助奖
2011 纽约Creative Divergents艺术节 Summer 2011 评委
2011 中央美术学院17岁课题 学院优秀课程奖
2010 Creative Divergents Winter 2010 award, 纽约艺术中心,美国
2010 荣誉毕业学生,罗得岛艺术学院研究生院,美国
2010 荣誉学生, 数字媒体工作室, 罗得岛设计学院,美国
2010 罗得岛设计学院研究生院荣誉作品基金奖,美国
2010 研究生 Fellowship, 数字媒体, 罗得岛设计学院,美国
2009 荣誉学生, 数字媒体工作室, 罗得岛设计学院,美国
2008 研究生 Fellowship, 数字媒体, 罗得岛设计学院,美国
2007 奖学金, Emily Carr艺术设计大学研究生院,温哥华,加拿大
2007 学院奖,中央美术学院设计学院,北京,中国
2015 Artist in Residency program (CPH AIR) ,Copenhagen, DK
2014 Danish National Performing School, Copenhagen, DK
2014 北京市朝阳区优秀青年人才
2012 北京市海外人才聚集工程
2012 北京市朝阳区凤凰计划海外高层次人才
2010 罗得岛设计学院研究生院荣誉作品基金奖,美国
2010 研究生 Fellowships, 罗得岛设计学院,美国
2009 研究生 Fellowships, 罗得岛设计学院,美国
2008 中加动漫项目主席 D.R Inkster助理, 北京&加拿大温哥华
2008 研究生 Fellowships, 罗得岛设计学院,美国
2007 毕业设计学院奖, 中央美术学院设计学院,北京,中国
2007 奖学金,Emily Carr艺术设计大学,温哥华,加拿大
2006 奖学金, 中央美术学院,北京,中国
2006 数字媒体创作二等奖,中央美术学院设计学院,北京,中国
SIFENLV (BJ & HK) Company Manager Director; Multimedia Artist, Producer.
Master of Rhode Island School of Design (Honor)
Bachelor of Central Academy of Fine Arts
Senior Lecturer of Professional Training of the Chinese Stage Art Society
Beijing Special Experts
Haiju Project
Overseas High-level Talents
Chaoyang New Talents Creative Culture Industry Elite
Outstanding Young Talents
Phoenix Talents
Selected in Hong Kong Talents Entry Plan
Yale Women's Leadership Programme
1982 Born in Jilin, China, grew up in Beijing
2007 Study at ECU, Vancouver, Canada
2008-2010 Study at RISD, Providence, USA
2010-2013 Beijing
2013-2019 Moving to Hong Kong
2019-present, frequent shuttles between Beijing and Hong Kong
1999 - 2003 Affiliated Middle School of Central Academy of Fine Arts, 2003-2007 Bachelor of Digital Media, Central Academy of Fine Arts, graduated with the Academy's Best Creativity Award; 2007 Emily Carr University Digital Art in Theory, 2008-2010 Master of Digital Media in Rhode Island School of Design, Interdisciplinary Studies at Brown University, researching new media art and technology in the practice of digital new fields, research on the infinite possibilities of computer programming, artificial intelligence, interactive sensors and other scientific and technological applications in the field of digital media in new media. During time at school, she received a number of honors and art funds, including the Central Academy of Fine Arts School of Design Innovation Award, the EmilyCarr University (ECU) Graduate School Admission Scholarship (Enrollment Scholarship), and Rhode Island School of Design Digital Media Fellowship and RISD Grants - the award is designed for outstanding graduates with outstanding talents, her graduation thesis "Progress" is a permanent collection of the library, and graduated with honorary graduate students, The Creative Divergents Golden Award from the New York Art Organization; In 2011-2016, she was a lecturer at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and her course was selected as the 2013 Excellent Course by the Central Academy of Fine Arts.
Rhode Island School of Design, Graduate School of Design (Honor) 2010
Master of Fine Arts in Digital Media (MFA)
Providence, RI, USA.
Brown University, Multimedia & Electronic Music Experiments elective program 2009
Brown University, Literary Arts Program
Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Graduate School of Media Arts 2008
Completed one year of MAA in Media Arts
Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Central Academy of Fine Arts 2007
2003 Major in Painting, School of Fine Arts
2004 Major in Digital Media, School of Design
Honors Thesis Academic Design Award
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
Beijing, China.
High School of Central Academy of Fine Arts 2003
Major in Painting
Beijing, China.
Digital Performance Project Micro-Connection, Sanlian Daily Life UCCA Culture Festival, Beijing, China.
Digital Performance Project Reading-Mistake, Official Program China Year in German, Theater performance, Berlin, German.
Digital Performance Project Micro-Connection, Kassel China Public Art Exhibition, Kassel, German.
Digital Performance Project The Imperial Harem, Berlin International Design Festival-CHINA NEW DESIGN, Berlin, German.
Digital Performance Project Micro-Connection, UCCA Art Space, Beijing, China.
Digital Performance Project The Imperial Harem, The 6th CIFF Film Festival, Nanjing, China.
Digital Performance Project The Imperial Harem, UCCA Art Space, Beijing, China.
Digital Performance Project Reading-Mistake, Beijing International Youth Festival, Beijing, China.
Digital Performance Project MoGua, China New Design, Italy China cultural exchange year, Triennale Design Museum, Milano, Italy.
Digital Performance Project Reading-Mistake, France Avignon Theatre Festival, France.
Digital Performance Project Reading-Mistake, China Fashion Trends, Beijing, China.
Digital Performance Project Floating City, Fleeing Life, Theater Performance, Beijing, China.
Digital Performance Project Reading-Mistake Series I, UCCA Art Space, Beijing, China.
Digital Performance Project Reading-Mistake Series II, UCCA Art Space, Beijing, China.
Digital Performance Project Floating City, Fleeing Life, UCCA Art Space, Beijing, China.
Kassel China Public Art Exhibition, Kassel, German.
Opera Turandot directed by Zhang Yimou, London & Japan.
The 6th CIFF Film Festival, Nanjing, China.
UCCA Art Space, Beijing, China.
Beijing International Youth Festival, Beijing, China.
China New Design, Italy China cultural exchange year, Triennale Design Museum, Milano, Italy.
France Avignon Theatre Festival, France.
"Endless" -RISD Graduate Thesis Exhibition, Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, RI, USA.
"Lin's Art Performance" Selected Graduate Students' Exhibition 2010, Chace Center,Providence, USA.
"Endless" Graduate Thesis Exhibition 2010, Rhode Island Convention Center, USA.
Vision2: The Future that Encompasses the Past-An Art Exchange Program between China and Taiwan, TINA KENG gallery, Taibei.
Digital Media Group Artists' Show, New York, USA.
Digital Performance Reading-Mistake Series III, UCCA Art Space, Beijing, China.
Convention Center, MFA Thesis Show, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA.
Sol Koffler Gallery, DM Show, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA.
Chace Center, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA.
Graduate Open Studio, Fall 2009, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA.
"Across the mountains" Interactive installation, Pixilerations- New Media Festival", Providence, RI, USA.
Sol Koffler Gallery, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA.
Graduate Open Studio, Spring 2009, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA.
Digital Performance Reading-Mistake Series I, II, UCCA Art Space, Beijing, China.
Sol Koffler Gallery, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA.
Graduate Open Studio, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA.
MAA Program Open Studio, Vancouver, Canada.
Interior Design Show WEST, Canada Place, Convention and Exhibition Centre, Vancouver, Canada.
Cinema Festival Film Screen, Granville Island, Vancouver, Canada.
Digital Performance Floating City, Fleeing Life, UCCA Art Space, Beijing, China.
DE-DAT Summer day entertainment festival, Beijing, China.
The Thoughts of the Masses --The 1st Electronic Art Festival, Shanghai, China.
Cultural and creative industry elite list the award of Emerging Artists, Beijing, China.
Jury for Creative Divergents, New York, USA.
Jury for Creative Divergents Summer 2011, New York, USA.
Business start-up funding awards,Beijing, China.
Best college curriculum Award, CAFA, Beijing, China.
Creative Divergents Winter 2010 award, New York Organization, USA.
Honor Student of Rhode Island School of Design graduate study in Recognition of Excellent Performance.
Work of excellence, Graduate Study Grant competition, Rhode Island School of Design, USA.
Graduate Fellowship, Digital Media, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA.
Honor Student of Rhode Island School of Design in Recognition of Excellent Performance.
Graduate Fellowship, Digital Media, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA.
Graduate Fellowship, Digital Media, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA.
Certificate of Large blue starlight -2008 Olympic gymnastics performance multimedia production, Beijing, China.
Entrance Scholarship, Emily Carr Institute of Art & Design, Vancouver, Canada.
Business start-up funding awards,Beijing, China. ($15625)
Graduate Study Grant competition, Rhode Island School of Design, US. ($ 5000)
Graduate Fellowships, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA. ($4400)
Graduate Fellowships, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA. ($8800)
Summer Internships as assistant to Chief Research and Industry Officer D.R Inkster, International Animation Program, Beijing & Canada. ($8848)
Graduate Fellowships, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI, USA. ($4400)
Academic Design Awards, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China. (3500 RMB)
Entrance scholarship, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver, Canada. ($ 5400)
Part Faculty, Central Academy of Fine Arts School of Urban Design, Beijing, China.
Part Faculty, Central Academy of Fine Arts School of Urban Design, Beijing, China.
Teaching Assistant of Daniel C. Howe in Software Interventions, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, USA.
Central Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture training program, Beijing, China.
Creative Divergents magazine-The award recipient of the Creative Divergents Winter 2010 Showcase , volume 1.
RISD Alumni Magazine, in the winter issue of RISD XYZ.
RISD successful GS|Grant proposals, Selected published in Graduate Studies.
MFA Thesis, selected chapters in RISD Digital+Media Graduate Student Journal 2010